B2B consumerization: employees expect the same simple navigation, user experience and user interface they know from B2C


The Nestlé company has changed its internal learning portal to make the UX and UI match the employee experience of commonly available apps. The employee interaction has absolutely exceeded the expectations.

B2B systems are moving closer to the B2C sphere

Advancing digitalisation shows the huge difference between the user-friendliness and simple navigation of B2B portals and internal company systems versus the B2C applications and solutions we use in our private lives.

This gap is starting to narrow as more and more companies are finding out that the younger generation is expecting the same customer experience they are familiar with in the B2C sphere.

Internal portals and applications should therefore be:

  • intuitive,
  • with a flawless UX and UI,
  • accessible anywhere, anytime.

Experience with Nestlé

There are thousands of internal training courses in different languages available to explore on three different intranets. On other sidethere is a well-designed, UX oriented website where employees can browse through individual courses online, with clear navigation and search.

When we compare these two options, it is obvious the well arranged web version wins. Even without numbers, we can reliably tell which version will be preferred. The more convenient one. Nevertheless, the internal systems of companies resemble the appearance of Windows 3.11 and are far from being user-friendly.

The Nestlé Solution

    HR management knew that having courses on three internal portals was not ideal.
    Employees had to contact the relevant HR to find out where to find the courses they needed.
    The system did not know how to search for courses based on the specified criteria.

The need to build an active web-based platform for the Learning Management System (LMS) as a one-stop solution for all employee learning activities was clearly defined.

The result

Nestlé HR management has appreciated the LMS portal so much that we are building Portal 2.0 based on immediate and constructive feedback,

  • the number of visitors in the first month has already absolutely exceeded the expectations,
  • now the LMS portal contains hundreds of trainings and we are increasing the number to thousands,
  • Employees are actively searching for available courses and training themselves.

This article was released in CFO World.

  • 21. 2. 2023